Rabab Abdulhadi is the director and senior scholar in
the Arab and Muslim Ethnicities and Diasporas; associate professor
of Ethnic Studies/Race and Resistance Studies; and affiliated
faculty in Sexuality Studies graduate program at San Francisco State
University. She is a co-founder and editorial board member of the
Islamophobia Studies Journal for which she is co-editing
the forthcoming special issue on “Gender, Sexuality and Racism.” She
is co-author of Mobilizing Democracy: Changing U.S. Policy in
the Middle East; and co-editor of Arab and Arab American
Feminisms: Gender, Violence and Belonging, winner of
the 2012 National Arab American non-fiction Book Award; American
Quarterly Forum on Palestine and American Studies (2015); and a
special issue of MIT Electronic Journal of Middle East Studies.
Her work has appeared in 7 languages (Arabic, English, Farsi,
French, German, Italian and Spanish in academic journals (International
Feminist Journal of Politics; Gender and Society; Radical History
Review; Peace Review; and Journal of Women's History);
anthologies (This Bridge We Call Home; New World Coming: The
1960s and the Shaping of Global Consciousness; Shifting Borders:
American in the Middle East/North Africa; We Will Not Be Silenced:
The Academic Repression of Israel's Critics; Righting Injustice: The
Case for the Academic Boycott of Israel; and With Stones in
Our Hands: Reflections on Racism, Muslims and Empire); social
media outlets (Mondoweiss, Al-Shabaka, Jadaliyya); and
newspapers and magazines (The Guardian, Al-Fajr; Womanews;
Palestine Focus; Voice of Palestinian Women; Christianity and
Crisis; Falasteen Al-Thahwra; Al-Hadaf; and Al-Hurriyah).
(Full bio)
Abunimah is a journalist and the co-founder and
executive director of the widely acclaimed publication
The Electronic Intifada,
a nonprofit, independent online publication focusing on Palestine.
A graduate of Princeton University and the University of Chicago, he is a frequent speaker on the Middle East, contributing regularly to numerous publications.
He is the author of One Country, A Bold Proposal to End the Israeli-Palestinian Impasse and The Battle for Justice in Palestine.
He has been an active part of the movement for justice in Palestine for 20 years.
He is the recipient of a 2013 Lannan Cultural Freedom Fellowship.
Erakat is a human rights attorney and activist. She is
an assistant professor at George Mason University. She is a
co-founder/editor of
Jadaliyya e-zine and an Editorial Committee member of the
Journal of Palestine Studies. Prior to joining GMU's
faculty, she served as legal counsel for a Congressional
Subcommittee in the House of Representatives, as a legal advocate
for the Badil Resource Center for Palestinian Refugee and Residency
Rights, and as the national grassroots organizer and legal advocate
at the U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, where she helped
seed BDS campaigns nationally as well as support the cases brought
against two former Israeli officials in U.S. federal courts for
alleged war crimes. Most recently, Noura released a pedagogical
project on the Gaza Strip and Palestine. The centerpiece of the
project is a short multimedia documentary,
Gaza In Context, that
rehabilitates Israel’s wars on Gaza within a settler-colonial
framework. She is also the producer of the short video, Black
Palestinian Solidarity. Noura is currently working on a book
project tentatively titled, Justice for Some: Law As Politics in
the Question of Palestine.
Getman is partner in a private consulting group that
specializes in international, United Nations and Non-Governmental
Organization (NGO) affairs and university seminars, on U.N. Reform
and humanitarian interagency partnership building. He was World
Vision’s executive director for international relations until March
1, 2009. He managed World Vision’s liaison activities with the U.N.
and the World Council of Churches and was responsible for diplomatic
relations with U.N. member missions in Geneva and with countries on
sensitive tax, staff and protocol negotiations. He served until 2009
on the board of principals for the U.N. Deputy Secretary General for
Emergency Relief in the U.N. Office of the Coordinator of
Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) as chair of a premier NGO consortium,
the International Council of Voluntary Agencies (ICVA).
From 1996 to 2001, Getman was director of World Vision’s programs in
Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza, where he was responsible for a
staff of 30 for relief and development projects in Palestine,
Israel, Jordan, and advocacy for peace. Previously, Getman served
for 12 years as director of government relations for World Vision
United States, at which time he founded WV’s office in DC. He
interpreted U.S. government policy, pressed for needed foreign
assistance, and advanced human rights, relief and development
concerns with Congress and the White House. From 1976 to 1985, as a
congressional legislative assistant and then director for Sen. Mark
Hatfield (R-OR) his primary assignments were African and Mideast
foreign policy and social justice - human rights. His most notable
legislative contribution was to participate in the drafting of the
Anti-Apartheid Act of 1985 (Law of ’86) after participating in the
legal sanctions against Rhodesia and Uganda. Getman helped negotiate
protocols with the presidents of Uganda and Zambia and encouraged
warring African factions in their peace negotiations.
Getman holds a bachelor’s degree from Wheaton College (Illinois) and
a master’s in theology (equivalency certificate) from Fuller
Kadi is an organizer and Steering Committee member of
the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights.
Kadi is a blogger at the Electronic Intifada, a member of Al-Shabaka: the Palestinian Policy Network, and has written for or appeared in The Guardian, USA Today, The Forward, TRT, CityLab, Mondoweiss, the New York Daily News, and the BBC.
He has been active for the past 16 years in support of Palestinian
rights, mobilizing at the grassroots level and organizing digital
campaigns, challenging mainstream media coverage, and harnessing
popular education approaches to raise awareness and advocate change.
Levy is a columnist for the Israeli daily
Haaretz, which he
joined in 1982. He spent four years as the newspaper’s deputy editor
and is currently a member of its editorial board. He is widely
considered the “dean” of Israeli journalism—as well as “the most
hated man in Israel.” As Levy has written, “Treating the
Palestinians as victims and the crimes perpetrated against them as
crimes is considered treasonous.”
Levy writes the weekly Twilight Zone feature, which covers the Israeli occupation in the West Bank and Gaza over the last 30 years, as well as political editorials for the newspaper. His columns about politics, money, how Israel's military occupation is changing Israeli society and about U.S.-Israel relations are widely read and discussed around the world.
Levy was the recipient, with Palestinian pastor Mitri Raheb, of the 2016 Olof Palme prize for their “fight against occupation and violence.” He has also received the Peace Through Media Award, at the 2012 International Media Awards; the Euro-Med Journalist Prize for 2008; the Leipzig Freedom Prize in 2001; the Israeli Journalists’ Union Prize in 1997; and The Association of Human Rights in Israel Award for 1996.
His book, The Punishment of Gaza, was published in 2010 by
Verso Publishing House in London and New York. Video of Levy’s
presentation at our 2015 conference was translated into Arabic and
has gone viral, receiving more than 200,000 views.
Morley is a veteran Washington investigative reporter
and the author of the 2017 St. Martin’s Press book, The Ghost:
The Secret Life of CIA Spymaster James Jesus Angleton. The book
sheds new light on Angleton’s close relationship with Israeli
intelligence, citing such cases as Israel’s 1967 attack on the USS
Liberty and the diversion of U.S. government-owned weapons-grade
uranium from Apollo, PA to Israel in the 1960s.
A native of Minneapolis, Morley attended Yale University and worked as an editor at The New Republic, The Nation and Spin Magazine before joining The Washington Post in 1992 where he worked for 15 years. His reporting has also appeared in The New York Review of Books, Reader’s Digest, The New York Times Book Review, Rolling Stone, the Los Angeles Times, The American Prospect, and Salon.
Morley is the author two other books, Our Man in Mexico: Winston
Scott and the Hidden History of the CIA, and Snow-Storm in
August: Washington City, Francis Scott Key, and the Forgotten Race
Riot of 1835.
Virginia Tilley, a professor of political science at
Southern Illinois University, is co-author of the report, “Israeli
Practices towards the Palestinian People and the Question of
Apartheid,” commissioned by the Economic and Social Commission
for Western Asia (ESCWA) of the United Nations. The report,
co-authored by Prof. Richard Falk, finds that Israel is imposing an
“apartheid regime” on Palestinians.
Professor Tilley holds an MA and Ph.D. in political science from the
University of Wisconsin-Madison, and an MA from the Center for
Contemporary Arab Studies at Georgetown. She specializes in the
comparative and international politics of ethnic and racial
conflict, and has research experience in Central America,
Israel-Palestine, post-apartheid South Africa and Oceania (Fiji and
the small island states of the south Pacific). Her research examines
how the social construction of ethnic, racial and national
identities has been used by political actors to gain power, build
nations and shape conflict. In addition to numerous articles and
policy papers, she is author of The One State Solution, (U
of Wisconsin Press, 2005), a pragmatic analysis of the two-state
solution in Israel-Palestine; and editor of Beyond Occupation:
Apartheid, Colonialism and International Law in the Occupied
Palestinian Territories (Pluto Press, 2012). At SIU she teaches
courses on racial ideology and conflict, international relations,
nation-building, and global comparative studies, with special
attention to Middle East studies focusing on current events.
Barry Trachtenberg is the Michael R. and Deborah K.
Rubin Presidential Chair of Jewish History and an associate
professor of history at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, NC.
On Nov. 7, 2017, he testified before a House Judiciary Committee
hearing on “Examining Anti-Semitism on College Campuses.”
A scholar of Jewish history and the Nazi Holocaust, Dr. Trachtenberg
told the committee: “Legislation such as H.R.6421-Anti-Semitism
Awareness Act of 2016 is not a genuine attempt to contend with
actual anti-Semitism, but rather is more correctly understood as a
means to quell what are in fact protected acts of speech that are
vital and necessary both to the scholarly missions of educational
institutions and to the functioning of democratic societies.” He
cautioned that “many studies are based on a definition of
anti-Semitism that de facto defines criticism of Israel as
anti-Semitic….Yet as within American Jewry as a whole, Jewish
students hold a wide range of views concerning Israel, from
unilaterally supportive to sharply critical.”
Dr. Trachtenberg earned his Ph.D. in history at UCLA and a
post-graduate diploma in Jewish Studies at Oxford University. Prior
to joining Wake Forest in 2016, he was an associate professor and
director of programs in Judaic Studies and Hebrew Studies at the
State University of New York’s University at Albany and interim
director (2010-2012) of the university’s Center for Jewish Studies.
He is the author of the 2018 Bloomsbury Publishing book, The
United States and the Nazi Holocaust: Race, Refuge, and Remembrance.
Williams, U.N. correspondent for the
Washington Report on Middle East
Affairs, is the author of the new book UNtold: The Real
Story of the United Nations in Peace and War. Mr. Williams is a
senior analyst for Foreign Policy in Focus, he was a columnist for
The Nation, the Guardian-American online and an editor for
the World Policy Journal. Williams has won many awards for
his exposés of U.N. malfeasance, as well as supporting and defending
the U.N. He has personally known four secretaries general, and
innumerable diplomats and officials worldwide.
Williams has covered the United Nations since 1989 and twice served as president of the U.N. Correspondents’ Association. In 1995, for the 50th anniversary of the United Nations, while he was president of the U.N. Correspondents’ Association, Williams wrote U.N. for Beginners.
An associate professor at Bard Center for Globalization and International Affairs, he lectures on the U.N. and the Responsibility to Protect.
Born in Liverpool, UK, Williams played in the rubble of bomb sites left over from the war that inspired the founding of the United Nations. He graduated from Liverpool University after being suspended for several years because of his protest against the university’s investments in South Africa.
Lawrence Wilkerson's last position in government was as
Secretary of State Colin Powell's chief of staff (2002-05). He
previously was associate director of the State Department's Policy
Planning staff under the directorship of Ambassador Richard N.
Haass, and member of that staff responsible for East Asia and the
Pacific, political-military and legislative affairs (2001-02).
Before serving at the State Department, Wilkerson served 31 years in the U.S. Army. During that time, he was a member of the faculty of the U.S. Naval War College (1987-1989), special assistant to General Powell when he was chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (1989-93), and director and deputy director of the U.S. Marine Corps War College at Quantico, Virginia (1993-97). Wilkerson retired from active service in 1997 as a colonel and began work as an adviser to General Powell. He has also taught national security affairs in the Honors Program at George Washington University. He is currently distinguished visiting professor of government and public policy at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia and working on a book about the first George W. Bush administration.